Thursday, January 20, 2011

Install Python Package on ECN-computer

Install Python Package on Windows System (e.g.ECN-computer) that do not have the authority.

Since we do not have the authority to write into the path, such as: C:\Python25, we can not install the package in the typical path: C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages

We finally find how to install the Lib by ourselves:

For windows-ECN:

a- run cmd
b- In the promoted shell: N:>   {this is the window's shell starting note}
N:>C:\Python25\python.exe "C:\TEMP\PythonLib\MDP-3.0\" install --prefix=C:\TEMP\PythonLib

C:\Python25\python.exe   ==> System Python path
"C:\TEMP\PythonLib\MDP-3.0\"   ==> path of which of the is going to run
--prefix=C:\TEMP\PythonLib   ===> this is where we are going to install the lib
                by this, a file <C:\TEMP\PythonLib\Lib\site-packages> will be installed
                when using it, in the Python Shell:

This idea is coming from:

Also, note that we encouter the error messagy saying that it can not find the file: "mdp\"
we then check the code, and made the following adjust ment in the

    # mdp_init = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'mdp', ''))
    mdp_init = open(os.path.join("C:/TEMP/PythonLib/MDP-3.0/", 'mdp', ''))

This is simple since we know exactly where our file is .

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