Thursday, January 20, 2011

mldata :: Welcome

mldata :: Welcome

From the mldata team:

Dear Machine Learners,

we are proud to announce mldata, the machine learning data set repository at

mldata is a community website aimed at exchanging data sets. Compared to existing sites, the emphasis lies on community. That means that anyone can upload data, comment on existing data sets, contribute
solutions to existing data sets, discuss topics in the forum, and in general easily interact with other users.

mldata is organized into four main types of objects:

* Data - just raw data
* Task - learning tasks defined on data sets
* Method - a machine learning method, can be applied to a Task
* Challenge - a set of Tasks defining a challenge

In principle, any kind of data can be uploaded, but mldata can parse some data formats like ARFF, CSV, and that used libsvm and other SVM solvers. For such data sets, more functionality is available like
automatic conversion to other data sets.

Other features include automatic evaluation of solutions for tasks using one of a large number of already available performance measures, but of course we're glad to add any user contributed performance

So have a look, and let us know what you think on the mldata forum!

Mikio Braun - on behalf of the mldata team.

mldata is sponsored by the Pascal2 Network of Excellence.

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