Machine Learning Resources
Suggestions welcome
Applications | Bibliographies | Books | Commercial | Conference Announcements | Courses | Data Repositories | Home Pages | Humor | Information | Journals & Special Issues | Mailing Lists | Mirrors | ML Search Engines | Publication Search Engines | Research Groups | Software | Special Interest Groups | TutorialsApplications (related to ML)
- Browsers/Assistants (i.e., WWW-Learning)
- InfoFinder (Andersen Consulting)
- The Informant (Dartmouth)
- Java Meta-Learning (Sal Stolfo)
- Karnak
- News Dude (UC Irvine)
- Syskill & Webert (UC Irvine)
- Firefly
- List of Published ML Applications (outdated) (David W. Aha)
- Neural Networks
- Pattern Classification and Feature Selection Applications (Weiyang (Will) Zhou)
- Software Reuse
- Building Programs from Data Processing Examples (Andrew Gleibman, Microspec Technologies Ltd)
- Workshops
- Report on the MLnet Workshop on Industrial Applications of Machine Learning (ILWS'94; Yves Kodratoff)
- ICML-95 Workshop: Applying ML in Practice
- ICML-97 Workshop (Engels, Verdenius, Evans & Herrmans)
- ICML-98 Workshop on The Methodology of Applying Machine Learning: Problem Definition, Task Decomposition and Technique Selection
Bibliographies (surely this is incomplete!)
- Automated Text Categorization (Fabrizio Sebastiani)
- Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies: Artificial Intelligence
- Baldwin effect (Turney, Whitley, & Anderson)
- Bias Shift (Peter Turney)
- Class Imbalance Problem (Nathalie Japkowicz)
- Combining Estimators (Tirthanker Ray Chadhuri)
- Computer Science Bibliographies
- Computational Learning Theory
- Constructive Induction/Feature Engineering (Tom Fawcett)
- Learning Classifier Systems (Tim Kovacs)
- Conceptual Clustering (Luis Talavera)
- Context-Sensitive Learning (Peter Turney)
- Cost-Sensitive Learning (Peter Turney)
- Data Mining
- Temporal, Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining Bibliography (Roddick & Spiliopoulou)
- Decision Trees
- Recursive Partitioning Algorithms (Tjen-Sien Lim)
- Feature Selection (Peter Turney)
- Inductive Logic Programming (ILPnet2)
- KDD and Data Mining (Andy Pryke)
- Machine Learning (Peter Turney)
- Automatic Clustering of all MLj Articles (1 March 2004) (Raul Valdes-Perez, Vivisimo, Inc.)
- Machine Learning Applied to Information Retrieval (Peter Turney)
- Machine Learning in Strategic Game Playing (Johannes Fürnkranz)
- A Machine Learning Bibliography (University of Dortmund)
- Bibliography of Machine Learning (University of Manitoba)
- Natural Language Processing
- Transformation-Based Learning (focusing on learning methods that learn rules for NLP tasks) (T.Lager)
- Neural Networks
- Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies: Neural Networks
- Data Exploration Using Self-Organizing Maps (Dissertation, Sami Kaski)
- Symbolic Neural Networks (Olcay Boz)
- Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Literature (Kelly Zou)
- 3 Small Disjuncts (Gary Weiss)
- Abtech Corporation (ModelQuest statistical/neural network tool)
- AIM Learning Systems (e.g., Genetic Programming software)
- ALTA Analytics (NETMAP)
- Knowledge Technologies of Andersen Consulting (Data Mining Consulting Services)
- Angoss International Limited (KnowledgeSEEKER, KnowledgeSTUDIO)
- Assistum (Assistum KM tool suite)
- Attar Software (XpertRule Miner, Profiler)
- BayesiaLab (a complete set of Bayesian network tools, including supervised and unsupervised learning, and analysis toolbox)
- Belmont Research: CrossGraphs
- Blue Martini Software
- J.P. Brown Ultimate Resources, Inc. (SuperInduction)
- Cirrus Recognition (CirrusNet neural network technology)
- CognIT a.s (Makers of KM tools)
- Data Distilleries
- DataMontage (Visual analysis of temporal data; SHAI; 9/04)
- DAZ Systems Incorporated (Data-Mining and KDD Products)
- DBMiner Technology Inc. (DBMiner)
- DM STAT-1 (Statistical Methods and KDD Tools; Bruce Ratner; 2/04)
- GenIQ: A Hybrid Statistical/Machine Learning Method to Optimize Model Lift
- DTREG (12/03: DTREG statistical analysis program for decision tree generation)
- FQS Poland (GhostMiner for data mining and visualization, 5/02)
- Integral Decisions Systems SE GmbH (Datamining vendors & consultants)
- Information Discovery, Inc. (Information Discovery System, Customer Retail News, Intra-Knowledge, etc)
- InfoWare (makers of STATlab)
- Integral Solutions, Ltd. (Clementine)
- Intelligent Application (Edinburgh, Scotland)
- Quest (Data Mining Project)
- Advanced Scout (Data Miner; see the NBA application)
- iDetect Software (makers of MINDSuite)
- International Knowledge Discovery Institute
- ISoft
- Makers of ALICE
- Jurik Research Software (provides data preprocessing software for neural nets)
- Knowledge Industries
- Megaputer Intelligence, Ltd. (PolyAnalyst)
- Management Intelligenter Technologien GmbH
- NeoVista Solutions, Inc.
- Net Perceptions (Makers of personalization software)
- Neural Technologies
- Neuroxl (Neural Network Software Add-Ins for Microsoft Excel; inserted 7/03)
- Partek Incorporated (Makers of Partek Pro 2000, a comprehensive data pattern recognition and data visualization system)
- Prediction Company
- Q-Why
- Reduct & Lobbe, Inc (makers of DataLogic)
- Renascence Partners
- RuleQuest Research (Makers of Cubist; J. Ross Quinlan, CEO)
- Saffron Technology
- Salford Systems (makers of CART software)
- Script Software International (KnowledgeMiner)
- Silicon Graphics
- Semio Corporation (Makers of SemioMap)
- Smart Information Services GmbH (intelligent information retrieval services)
- Tandem Computers Inc. (makers of an object relational data mining architecture)
- TRIADA (Ngram technology)
- ML framework for Mathematica (uni software plus; July 2002)
- Ultragem (Using GA's)
- *virtuak (inhesion ML tools)
- WhizBang! Labs
- WizSoft, Inc. (WizRule)
- ZDM Scientific Ltd.
Conference Announcements
Courses on Machine Learning
Data Repositories
- Bilkent University Function Approximation Repository
- CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
- GMD Repository
- National Space Science Data Center (e.g., NASA's datasets)
- ILP Applications and Datasets (Oxford University)
- RISE: ISI Repository of Test Domains for Learning Extraction Rules
- Datasets at Silicon Graphics
- StatLib
- StatLog
- DatGen: A Program for Creating Classification Datasets (formerly SCDS, Gabor Melli)
- UCI Repository of Machine Learning Databases
- Asuncion, A. & Newman, D.J. (2007). UCI Machine Learning Repository []. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.
- Unipen
- AI Planning Domain Repository (University of Maryland)
- University of Nevada at Reno
Home Pages
- Global Web Site for ML and CBR Researchers (U. Ottawa)
- ML/CBR Home Pages (David W. Aha)
- Bayesian Statisticians Home Pages
- Data Miners (Andy Pryke)
- Programming by Example (Henry Lieberman)
- SIGNLL Members
Applications | Artificial Life | Belief Nets | Competitions | COLT | Constraint-Based Reasoning | Design | Ensembles and Mixture Models | Evaluation | Fraud Detection | Fuzzy Logic | Games | General ML Resources Pages | Genetic Algorithms | Human-Computer Learning | Inductive Logic Programming | Information Retrieval | Kernel Methods | Knowledge Acquisition | KDD | Knowledge Engineering | Lazy Learning | Link Analysis | Local Learning | Manufacturing | Medicine | Minimum Description & Message Length | Multi-Agent Learning | Natural Language | Neural Networks | Ontologies | Planning | Representation | Robots | Rough Sets | Skill Acquisition | Support Vector Machines | Temporal Processing | Text Processing | Unsupervised Learning WWW- Applications
- Applications in Machine Learning (Asa Rudstrom)
- Artificial Life
- Report on the ALife V Conference
- SIM_AGENT Toolkit (U. Birmingham)
- Belief Nets
- Bayesian Knowledge Discovery Project (The Open University)
- Bayes Nets(Kevin Murphy)
- Competitions
- Abbadingo One: DFA Learning Competition (Lang and Pearlmutter)
- New East-West Challenge: Results (Michie, Muggleton, Page, & Srinivasan)
- Learning Machine Challenges sponsored by Ai
- The (First) Learning Machine Challenge (Announced at IJCAI'01)
- Second Learning Machine Challenge
- Computational Learning Theory
- Computational Learning Theory
- COLT Bibliography (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- Constraint-Based Reasoning
- Design
- ML in Engineering Design and Manufacturing (Yoram Reich)
- 1996 AI & Design Conference Workshop on ML in Design (Brown, Goel, and Duffy)
- Ensembles and Mixture Models
- TR: Additive Logistic Regression: a Statistical View of Boosting (8/98: Friedman, Hastie, & Tibshirani)
- Ensembles of Classifiers and Guide to Internet Resources
- Mixture Models (David Dowe)
- Classification and Regression using Mixtures of Experts (Steve Waterhouse, PhD dissertation)
- Classification and Regression by Combining Models (dissertation by Chris Merz)
- Evaluation
- Evaluation of Intelligent Systems (An on-line resource)
- Fraud Detection
- AI and Fraud Detection (Jörn Dinkla)
- Fuzzy Logic
- Links (Bjarne Hansen)
- Games
- Bibliography on ML in Strategic Game Playing (Johannes Fuernkranz)
- Machine Learning in Games (Jay Scott)
- First Tournament of Learning to Play Games
- General ML Resources Pages
-'s AI Site
- AI Subject Index on ML (CNRC)
- AI/ML Resources (Andy Pryke)
- Learning Classifier Systems (Alwyn Barry)
- Machine Learning/Data Mining Repository (Center for Advanced Studies, University of Louisiana, Lafayette)
- IFIP/SWI Machine Learning Pages
- Information Services (Austrian Research Institute for AI)
- Intelligent Software Products (SAIC G6G)
- Laksberg's Machine Learning Archive (Artur Laksberg)
- Machine Learning Resources (Paul Nielsen)
- MLnet Machine Learning Archive (GMD)
- Other WWW Pages of Interest (Chuck Anderson)
- Digital Library at U. Macedonia
- Science: CS: AI: ML (Yahoo)
- Genetic Algorithms
- Genetic Algorithms Archive (NRL)
- Genetic Programming (Jaime Fernandez)
- Nova Genetica
- Samuel (Naval Research Laboratory)
- Human-Computer Learning
- Inductive Logic Programming
- ILPnet2
- Introduction to ILP (Oxford University)
- ILP for KDD Workshop at ICML-96
- Top-Down Induction of First Order Logical Decision Trees (PhD dissertation, Hendrik Blockeel)
- Information Retrieval
- Bibliography on Applying ML to IR Tasks (Peter Turney, previously Rik Belew and Jude Shavlik)
- Knowledge Acquisition
- Kernel Methods
- Kernel Machines
- Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis (Shawe-Taylor & Cristianini)
- Knowledge Discovery in Databases (e.g., Data Mining)
- Comparisons
- Comparison of DM Tools (Ovum)
- Elder Research Website (Contains notes on KDD-98 comparisons)
- KDD-Cup-98: 2nd International Data Mining Tools Competition (Parsa and Howes)
- Corporate KDD Bookmark (Thierry Van de Merckt)
- Cross-Industry Standard Process Model for Data Mining
- Data Mining Server (Rudjer Boskovic Institute; An internet service for online data analysis based on ILLM)
- Databases & Logic Programming (Michael Ley)
- The Data Mine (Andy Pryke)
- Data Mining Tutorials
- Debunking Data Mining Myths (Robert D. Small, InformationWeek article)
- Knowledge Discovery Mine (Gregory-Piatetsky Shapiro)
- Predictive Toxicology Evaluation Challenge (Srinivasan & King)
- Terminology, Data Mining (Willie Kloesgen & Jan Zytkow)
- Vanderbilt University
- VLDB Home Page
- Knowledge Engineering
- Lazy Learning
- Prototype Selection for Composite Nearest Neighbor Classifiers (David Skalak, PhD dissertation)
- Bontempi G., Birattari M., Bersini H., (1999). Lazy learning for modeling and control design, International Journal of Control, 72, 7/8, 643-658. (Gianluca believes that this is the first article in an automatic control journal with the keyword lazy)
- Lazy Learning Special Issue in AI Review (Ed.: D.W. Aha)
- Link Analysis
- Local Learning
- Georgia Tech (Chris Atkeson)
- Manufacturing
- The AUTON Project (Andrew Moore and colleagues)
- Medicine
- Clustering of all PubMed articles that mention ML (inserted March 2003)
- Minimum Description & Message Length
- Multi-Agent Learning
- Learning in Multi-Agent Systems Webliography
- Adaptation and Learning in Multi-Agent Systems (book; Weiss & Sen, Eds.)
- Natural Language
- AAAI 1998 Symposium on Applying ML to Discourse Processing
- CIRCSIM-Tutor Project (Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Neural Networks
- Announcements of Conferences, Workshops, and Other Events on Neural Networks, Vision, and Speech
- Neural Network Resources
- NN Benchmarking (Lutz Prechelt)
- Searle's terrific summary relating neural nets with other approaches
- Hybrid Connectionist-Symbolic Models: A Report from the IJCAI'95 Workshop (Ron Sun)
- Ontologies
- Onotology Information (Doug Skuce)
- Planning
- Learning Procedural Planning Knowledge in Complex Environments (11/96 dissertation by Doublas J. Pearson, U. Michigan)
- Planning Resources (Rob St. Amant)
- UMCP Hierarchical Task Network Planning Algorithm
- Planning Digest
- SATPLAN 2004 (Henry Kautz; 10/04)
- Representations
- Learning to Map between Structured Representations of Data (dissertation by AnHai Doan, U. Washington, 2003 ACm Doctoral Dissertation Award winner)
- Robots
- Xavier (CMU)
- Rough Sets
- Skill Acquisition
- Skill Acquisition Info Page (University of Karlsruhe)
- Support Vector Machines
- An Introduction to Support Vector Machines (N. Cristianini & J. Shawe-Taylor)
- Temporal Processing
- Dissertation: Refinement of Temporal Constraints in an Event Recognition System using Small Datasets (George Paliouras, U. Manchester, 1997)
- Text Processing
- Dissertation: Machine learning on lage, non-homogeneous text data (Dunja Mladenic, 3/99)
- Unsupervised Learning
- Computer Journal, Special Issue on Clustering and Classification (1999)
- Unsupervised learning, clustering and mixture models (David Dowe)
Journals & Special Issues
Mailing Lists
- AI & KBS for Nondestructive Testing (To subscribe)
- AI & Statistics Mailing List
- Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications
- Classifier Systems (John Holmes, U. Penn)
- datamine-l (Data Mining/Knowledge Discovery/Data Warehousing)
- European Mailing List on Learning Robots (Volker Klingspor)
- Hybrid Models - Learning and Architectures (Vasant Honavar; To subscribe)
- Inductive Logic Programming Network
- Knowledge Acquisition (Kaw)
- Knowledge Discovery Mine
- Memetic Computing
- ML-Net Mailing List (see the ML-Net II home page)
- Uncertainty in AI
- ML-List (To subscribe)
- This page is no longer being updated. [DWA, 12 Feburary 2004]
- Machine Learning for User Modeling
ML Search Engines
- Biblio (Austrian AI Institute; Publications)
- Cora (Just Research, Inc.)
- ML Papers (Andrew Ng)
- ML Search (Andrew Ng and Dayne Freitag: WWW Pages)
- Neuroscience (Fred Lenherr)
Publication Search Engines
- Biblio: Search for a publication (Austrian AI Institute)
- Database Bibliographies (Mohan Kamath, U. Massachusetts)
- Unified Computer Science TR Search (Marc VanHeyuningen, U. Indiana)
Research Groups
- Australia
- Australian National University
- CSIRO (Gov't research organization)
- University of New South Wales
- University of Sydney
- Austria
- Belgium
- Canada
- Croatia
- Rudjer Boskovic Institute
- Data Mining Server (An internet service for online data analysis based on ILLM)
- France
- Germany
- Aachen University of Technology
- University of Dortmund
- German National Research Center for Information Technology
- Goethe University
- University of Kaiserslautern
- University of Karlsruhe
- Israel
- Italy
- Machine Learning and Neural Networks Group (Joint Group involving the Universities of Florence, Siena, and Pisa)
- University of Torino
- New Zealand
- Portugal
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- Robert Gordon University
- Oxford University
- Turing Institute
- University of Bristol
- University College London (Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit)
- University of the West of England
- University of York
- United States
- Brigham Young University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- AUTON: Autonomous Machine Learning Lab (Andrew Moore and colleagues)
- Learning Laboratory
- Learning Robots Laboratory
- Reinforcement Learning
- Colorado State University
- General Electric Research and Development Center (Information Technology Laboratory)
- George Mason University
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- IBM Almaden Research Center (Data Mining Project)
- Institute for the Learning Sciences
- Iowa State University
- JPL AI Group
- Kansas State University (Laboratory for KDD)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Naval Research Laboratory
- NEC Research Institute
- Rutgers University
- Soar
- United States Air Force Academy
- University of California at Irvine
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- University of Illinoise at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Massachusetts
- University of New Mexico (Adaptive Computation Group)
- University of Southern Florida
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Wisconsin at Madison
- Vanderbilt University
Software (see also Information)
- Bayesian Belief Net and Other Probabilistic Approaches
- Compilations
- Software for Manipulating Belief Networks (Russell Almond)
- Bayesian Belief Network Software (J. Cheng)
- Commercial
- Analytica Influence diagram-based, visual environment for creating and analyzing probabilistic models (Win/Mac)
- AT-Sigma Data Chopper for analysis of databases and finding causal relationships
- BayesiaLab (a complete set of Bayesian network tools, including supervised and unsupervised learning, and analysis toolbox)
- Bayesware Discoverer 1.0 An automated modeling tool able to extract a Bayesian network from data by searching for the most probable model
- Data Digest Business Navigator 5 Combines Bayesian networks, graphical UI, and data preparation tools
- DXpress Windows based tool for building and compiling Bayes Networks
- Ergo(tm) Bayesian Network Editor and Solver (Win and Mac demos available)
- HUGIN Full suite of Bayesian Network reasoning tools
- KnowledgeMiner Uses self-organizing neural networks to discover problem structure (Mac platform)
- Netica (Norsys) Bayesian network tools (Win 95/NT), demo available
- PrecisionTree An add-in for Microsoft Excel for building decision trees and influence diagrams directly in the spreadsheet
- Free
- BAYDA 1.0 (Henry Tirri, U. Helsinki Complex Systems Computation Group)
- Belief Network Power Constructor (Jie Cheng)
- BETSY: Bayesian Essay Test Scoring sYstem (Larry Rudner, University of Maryland)
- FDEP Induces functional dependencies from a given input relation (GNU C)
- GeNIe decision modeling environment implementing influence diagrams and Bayesian networks (Windows) (Has over 2000 users)
- IBAL (A general purpose language for probabilistic reasoning; Avi Pfeffer; posted 23 June 2003)
- JavaBayes
- MSBN: Microsoft Belief Network Tools Tools for creation, assessment and evaluation of Bayesian belief networks. Free for non-commercial research users
- Pulcinella Tool for Propagating Uncertainty through Local Computations based on the Shenoy and Shafer framework (Common Lisp)
- SPI Probabilities, Local Expression Language Utilities, Explanation, Dynamic Models, GUI. (Common Lisp)
- RoC (Robust Bayesian Classifier) (Marco Ramoni) v 1.0, for MS Windows 9x/NT
- Clustering: See Unsupervised Learning
- Collections (Varied) of Programs
- Data Mining Siftware
- MLT Toolbox (GMD)
- UCI ML programs (FOCL, Occam, etc)
- Siftware at the Knowledge Discovery Mine (Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro)
- ML Research Software (University of Texas at Austin)
- Peter Clark - ML Software
- Prolog Library of ML Programs (Thomas Hoppe, GMD)
- Data Generators
- Database Generator (Gabo Melli)
- Data Mining
- Agent-Based Data Mining (Sal Stolfo)
- IBAI Solutions (Decision Master data mining tool; NetLog tool for mining logfiles; August 2006)
- SGI's MineSet
- Siftware at the Knowledge Discovery Mine
- DBPredictor on-line Classification System (Gabor Melli, Simon Fraser University)
- SUBDUE (U. Texas @ Arlington)
- XELOPES Data Mining Library (prudsys AG)
- Decision Trees (TDIDT)
- AQnn (Michalski and colleagues): What does "AQ" denote? Answer: "AQ or Aq (q as a superscript) stands for Algorithm Quasi-optimal (as originally developed in 1969, the algorithm creates approximately or strictly optimal soluations of the general covering problem (which subsumes learning rules from examples)." - R. Michalski
- C4.5 and its extensions
- C4.5's FTP Directory (J. Ross Quinlan)
- Parallel C4.5 (Bin Li)
- C5.0 info and demonstration versions (Rulequest)
- C4.5 Patch File (for outputting classification rules as Prolog statements) (Kamran Karimi, University of Regina)
- RFCT: An unsupervised, temporal extension of C4.5 (Kamran Karimi, University of Regina)
- Excel Implementation (Angshuman Saha)
- Incremental Decision Trees(Paul Utgoff)
- ILA-2 (Eastern Mediterranean University)
- OC1 (Johns Hopkins University)
- SIPINA (D.A. Zighed)
- Evaluation of Multiple Systems
- ROC Convex Hull for Comparing Classifiers (Tom Fawcett, Foster Provost)
- RocOn (A ROC Visualisation Tool; U. Bristol; J. Farrand)
- Explanation-Based Learning
- Lazy Partial Evaluation (Peter Clark)
- Feature Selection
- Feature Selection Challenge (I. Guyon, 2003)
- First-Order Representations (e.g., Inductive Logic Programming)
- ACCEL (University of Texas at Austin; first-order abductive construction of explanations)
- Claudien (Luc Dehaspe, Luc De Raedt, & Wim Van Laer)
- FDEP (induces functional dependencies from relations) (Iztok Savnik)
- FOIL (J. Ross Quinlan)
- GMD's ILP Software Repository
- FORTE (University of Texas at Austin; first-order theory revision)
- Genetic Algorithms
- AI FAQ/genetic (David Beasley)
- REGAL 3.0 (University of Torino)
- Automatic Design of Algorithms Through Evolution (ADATE)
- Swarm (Santa Fe Institute)
- Lazy Learning
- NNVE: Robust Covariance Estimation Software via Nearest Neighbor Variance Estimation (Wang, Raftery, & Fraley; 12/03)
- PEBLS (Johns Hopkins University)
- Protos (Bruce Porter)
- TiMBL (ILK, Tilburg: a suite of tools)
- WHIRL (W.Cohen; can be used as a 1-NN text classifier)
- Knowledge Acquisition
- Mobal (GMD)
- Neural Networks
- Software & Data Analysis Services (Phil Brierley; A collection of ANN and GA software)
- Neural Networks (Scott Fahlmann)
- Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks (Radford Neal)
- A free Neural Network repository (Lutz Prechelt)
- Neural Networks for Prediction and Classification (Angshuman Saha; in Excel)
- PINN - Pseudo-inverse associative neural networks (Dmitry O. Gorodnichy)
- Integrated Planning and Learning
- Prodigy (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Reinforcement Learning
- Reinforcement Learning: A Tutorial (Mance E. Harmon; broken link)
- Reinforcement Learning with Selective Perception and Hidden State (dissertation, Andrew McCallum)
- A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Job-Shop Scheduling (Tom Dietterich and Wei Zhang)
- Relational Learning
- Alchemy (Statistical Relational AI; Pedro Domingos; 19 December 2005)
- Rule Learning
- CN2 (Peter Clark)
- CN2 Integrated with Qualitative Modelling (Peter Clark)
- PNC2 (Lars Haendel; 11/03)
- RIPPER (William Cohen)
- SLIPPER (W.Cohen)
- CBA: Classification and Association Rules (Bing Liu)
- Statistical Software
- Statistical software (Warren Kovach)
- StatLib: Applied statistics algorithms (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Multiple Regression with Automatic Curve Fitting (James Widdoes)
- R (A clone of Splus; Gerhard Paass)
- SVM^light: Support Vector Machine (Thorsten Joachims, Cornell University) (9/04)
- Theory Revision (propositional)
- NEITHER (University of Texas at Austin; propositional theory revision)
- Unsupervised Learning
- Autoclass (NASA Ames)
- CLUTO (Software Package for Clustering High-Dimensional Datasets; 12/01)
- CViz (IBM's cluster visualization software, currently free as of 8/98)
- ECOBWEB (Yoram Reich)
- Fast Fuzzy Cluster (Michael Bickel)
- MCLUST/EMCLUST (Chris Fraley)
- Clustering using Self-Organizing Maps (Implemented by Angshuman Saha; Excel)
- Snob (Chris Wallace and David Dowe)
- Workbenches
- Kepler (GMD)
- MLC++ Toolbench
- WEKA Toolbench (U. Waikato)
- YALE (U. Dortmund)
Special Interest Groups
- SIGKDD: ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery in Data
- American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
- Artificial Intelligence Research in Environmental Sciences (AIRIES)
- British Computer Society Specialist Group on Expert Systems
- Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI)
- International Grammatical Inference Community
- International Machine Learning Society (starting one)
- European Network of Excellence in ML (MLnet)
- IJCAI Inc.
- Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- Knowledge Discovery Mine
- Meteorology-AI (Eric Jones)
- Robots
- ACL Special Interest Group on Natural Language Learning (SIGNLL)
- SOAR Project (University of Southern California)
- Society for AI and Statistics
- Classification Society of North America
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